Azure Virtual Machine with Terraform

If you are ~40 years old, back to the old days how much time you were used to spend to install a brand new computer and have it ready to go? For sure it was days, weeks, sometimes I would say months, starting with the getting budget to buy a physical machine, until install the OS in it, what a long journey right?! So now, it takes minutes .. if you could tell this to your “young you” would you believe in you ( whaat ???? ?!?!).

In this case with Azure and Terraform is possible to create a virtual machine in minutes, let’s check this out.

Pre requirements to get started with Terraform with Azure

git clone 
cd devops/cloud/Azure/terraform/test02/

Azure login

# To login to Azure
az login 

# To find your subscription
az account list -o table

# To set properly your desired subscription
az account set --subscription <id>

Environment variable

You can setup env variables via command line or pass the values through the terraform command line terraform -var

Fill out the with your values and then run the command below



# Run terraform
terraform init
terraform plan

# To apply the changes
terraform apply

Resources created

Login to machine

Clean up

# Run terraform to destroy everything
terraform destroy

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